Artist Profile

Linnea Kataja
Freelance manga artist
Linnea Kataja is a freelance manga artist based in NYC. After graduating with a BFA in Cartooning from the School of Visual Arts, she has pursued a career as a freelance artist and social media influencer with over 60,000 followers on Instagram and TikTok. Her comic A Maid Story won honors in Shueisha's Ribon magazine in their January 2019 Comic Grand Prix. She is also a member of Ribon magazine's A Class in their Manga School, a program meant to train manga artists. Her recent work Idol Royale won Honorable Mention in MangaCat's Manga Olympics competition. She has been listed in Imagine FX Magazine as one of the "Modern Masters of Manga." Linnea has frequented anime conventions such as Otakon and Anime NYC, selling self published comics, prints and more.