Artist Profile

Olga Niki
Self-taught collage artist from Uzbekistan living in Gabon
Olga Nikiforova, self-taught collage artist from Uzbekistan currently living in Gabon. French teacher and psychologist by trade, born and raised in Tashkent, Olga is 47 year old. 12 years ago she started moving around the world with her family. With her husband and three children they lived in Kyrgyzstan, Laos, the Solomon Islands and Cameroon. Travelling around the world has left a deep mark on her life and has also literally pushed her to become creative. She got access to different cultural layers rich in traditions and history, the hitherto unknown side of the life of so many people. Creativity helped not to lose herself amidst everything happening around her. On the contrary, it has brought the artist closer to herself and allowed to feel what really matters. Collage became a tool that allows her to tell the stories that she needed to tell most vividly. She took several online courses in collage techniques and have been actively pursuing this art form for about five years now. Her collages have been featured in many online and physical exhibitions and collage festivals in different countries.