Artist Profile

Richard Quittenton
Mi’Kmaq artist from Toronto
Richard Quittenton is a 28-year-old artist who makes digital collages. His work combines photographs, 3D elements, and digital paint. In 2018, he received a master of architecture at The School of Architecture at Taliesin in Arizona. Before that, he obtained a bachelor in theology and history at the University of Toronto in 2015. Richard has worked around the world in the field of architecture. Collaborating with Herzog & De Meuron, Morphosis, Sauerbruch Hutton, Aranda\Lasch, Urbanus, Partisans and MVRDV. Richard’s architectural work has developed in parallel to his artistic work. His artistic practice consists of world blending various eras, characters, and subjects into digital collages. Part rendering, part painting, his work stitches together unexpected elements that combine to tell new stories. The result is a body of work that creates various narratives and asks critical questions about how we fit into our world.