Artist Profile

Stine Mikkelsen
Copenhagen-based material researcher and manipulator
With a background in textile design, materials have a primary role for her in both
the process as well as the final objects. Through challenging and refining methods
from this field, unexpected things occur which lead to new ways of making and producing.
Through this, she not only challenges the way we understand textile and
product design, she also modernises the notion of crafts.
Luminous Shapes is an ongoing collection investigating how people understand and interpret experimental product design. When presenting sculptural furniture, people often ask for the function of the objects. In this collection, the first phase is to make sculptures. After finding the right shapes, light sources are being placed. Some objects will have a clear reference to already known types of lamps while other will be more experimental and question if the object is a lamp, only based on the presence of the bulb.
Guilt.less is a contribution to the Dutch Invertual exhibition Reduce and is based on news involving the fashion industry. Clothes are being burned, factories collapses, employees walk around in toxic chemicals, just to name a few. Instead of leaving all responsibility for creating a more sustainable world to industry, the designer wants to point out just how much power we as consumers have. The lamps are therefore made of something we all have in our wardrobe; clothes we never use. By doing so, Stine Mikkelsen wants us to focus on our own consumption and through this realize, that every time we buy a piece of clothes it also involves an inherent political position.