Weiyang Gao

Artist Profile

Weiyang Gao
Chinese artist currently based in Chicago
Wei is a Chinese artist who graduated from Boston University with BFA degree on painting and drawing, and now, he is a second year painting MFA student at School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Wei's paintings blur the categories of figuration and abstraction. Within them, he utilizes themes of architecture and landscape in relation to the human body to discuss the constructions of systems of belief. Being an artist with a multi-cultural background, Wei has insight into the many ways people have used and abused culture and history to create barriers and divisions within the broader spectrum of humanity. His work stands as an opposition to such division. Within his paintings, he builds imagery of sacred spaces, devoid of specific religious or spiritual demarcations, in order to allow all audiences a place for spiritual and meditative contemplation. He purposefully is creating a new system of symbolism within his works in effort to reconnect his audience with the ineffable source of all spirituality, outside of specific cultural or temporal paradigms.