Artist Profile

Zor Zor Zor
Polish-American street artist
Zor Zor Zor, a first-generation Polish-American street artist from Chicago, draws inspiration from her everyday thoughts and emotions, expressing them freely with a pen, pencil, or paintbrush. Without formal training, she discovered her deep love for art in 2011 while traveling abroad. With plenty of time to spare, she spent her days wandering, sketching, and capturing images of whatever sparked her interest. Graffiti and street art left the strongest impression on her, and upon returning to Chicago, she instinctively set her sights on "getting up" in her own city. Years later, her passion for art remains strong and has expanded into studio work, where she experiments with whatever materials are at hand—whether old, new, or damaged—believing that everything holds potential. Central to her art is a focus on the female figure, through which she explores the hidden emotions that dwell both in the conscious and subconscious. In her paintings, she often sees a reflection of herself, as if looking into a mirror. She finds that each piece teaches her something new about her own personal journey. For Zor Zor Zor, the completion of a work always reveals more than she initially intended, making it a continual process of self-discovery and growth.