Esinulo Chiamaka Praise voted the Artist of the Month in June 2024

Esinulo Chiamaka Praise voted the Artist of the Month in June 2024

BE OPEN Art is happy to announce that Esinulo Chiamaka Praise, contemporary Nigerian artist, has been voted the Artist of the Month by the visitors of

Every month we give a platform to emerging talents from all over the globe and invite art enthusiasts to choose the best artist among those exhibited in our online gallery. In June 2024, Esinulo Chiamaka Praise was granted the majority of votes by the visitors of our online gallery.

Chiamaka is a graduate of Fine and Applied Arts at Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria. She is inspired by how human existence compliments time. She fuses the African heritage and its cultural diversities into her works through the use of patterns on the costume of her subjects. Congratulations!

BE OPEN Art launches the third regional competition of 2024 to support emerging artists of Central America

BE OPEN Art launches the third regional competition of 2024 to support emerging artists of Central America

BE OPEN Art, an online gallery set up by Elena Baturina’s humanitarian think-tank BE OPEN, continues to run BE OPEN Regional Art, the regional competition for emerging artists aimed to support those whose art best represents their regional, cultural and ethnic identities.

Throughout 2024, BE OPEN expert community will continue selecting those artists who best represent the artistic tradition of a certain region to feature in the BE OPEN Art gallery and offer them greater visibility.

The third stage of the second year of the programme run will cover the countries of Central America: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.

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