11 Artist Marketing Tips To Help You Market Your Work

Source: Indeed.

The selling and marketing of art differs from the marketing of other products and services, as some products and services are necessities while most art purchases are based on interests and wants. In this article, we discuss what artist marketing is, show why it’s important and provide 11 artist marketing tips to implement when planning to market your work.

There are several effective ways to market your artwork, such as by using stories to engage people and writing persuasively. Using these methods can help artists share their work with their audience and potentially increase their sales. In this article, we discuss what artist marketing is, show why it’s important and provide 11 artist marketing tips to implement when planning to market your work.

What is artist marketing?

At its most basic, artist marketing is a specific process of broadening interest and awareness for the artwork an artist creates. Artists use artist marketing with the intention of attracting people to the artwork. They can do this in a gallery setting, through various online platforms or even through word of mouth. Understanding how to best market your work can increase interest from buyers and boost your overall revenue.Related: Advice for How To Become an Artist Freelancer

Why is artist marketing important?

Artist marketing is important because it increases the awareness of the artist’s work. Without awareness, no one would know about their art and the artist’s sales may suffer. By creating awareness, artists can create authentic interest in themselves as artists and their work. The more awareness an artist’s art has, the more likely they are to bring in revenue.Additionally, artist marketing is essential because it can attract buyers who genuinely like and want to purchase their work. This can lead to word-of-mouth artist marketing in which the artist doesn’t even have to participate. This can also create a continuum of people who are interested in buying the artist’s work, allowing the artist to attract a number of customers who may continue to purchase their artwork.

11 artist marketing tips

The following are 11 artist marketing tips to consider when deciding on a marketing strategy for your artwork:

1. Get familiar with your target audience

Understanding your target audience is a large component of a successful artist marketing. The better you know your target audience, the more you can curate your marketing towards this audience. For example, if you believe your pieces would be more attractive to younger generations, you may want to use social media when marketing artwork.

2. Find out where your target audience congregates

Another marketing tip is to learn where your target audience most frequently gathers. For example, your target audience may spend most of their time online, or they may be more likely to check and read their physical mail. Knowing where you can most often find your audience can help you determine where and how to implement your marketing materials.

3. Consider using stories

Stories are a great way to create an emotional and deeper attachment to your art from your target audience. Stories are also often memorable, making it more likely that people who have viewed your art may share your story with others. You can create stories about anything that relates to your work, such as the meaning behind a piece, why you created it and what inspired you to do so.

4. Discuss the benefits of your art

It’s important to represent your artwork in a way that is relatable to others. If you notice someone is interested in a particular piece, find out why they like it and try to connect it to their emotions. Once you’ve done this, their connection may persuade them to purchase a piece.

5. Avoid superficial sales tactics

Rather than using superficial sales tactics, your target audience may appreciate marketing that uses friendly, genuine language. This can encourage potential buyers to stay interested and eventually purchase your art. It can also help interested parties experience the artwork on a personal level, figure out what attracts them to it and discover how it might make their lives better.

6. Focus your marketing on your target audience

While the artwork you create is ultimately for you, how you market is not. The elements in your marketing should focus on the target audience. For example, focus on explaining what’s in it for them and where can they find your artwork. You can also emphasize the reasons why they might be interested in a piece you’re selling.

7. Use excellent writing skills

Most marketing includes some type of writing, and the more persuasive and easy to understand your writing is, the more likely your audience may pay attention to it. Rather than just listing facts about your work, incorporate why it’s meaningful and try to connect it to the reader’s emotions. You can also ensure readers that they may gain something beneficial if they purchase your artwork.

8. Use a social media platform

Social media platforms are where many people spend most of their time. Examples of social media sites that can help you build brand recognition include Facebook and Instagram. You can also engage more easily with your audience on these sites through comments or direct messages, which can give the impression that you take their interest seriously and truly value customers and interested parties.Related: How To Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

9. Start a blog

A blog can be very helpful for artists when it comes to marketing. Many people find websites through a company or person’s blog rather than from their actual site. On your blog, you can write about topics such as what makes an art piece special, factors that artists care about or where someone can go to view art pieces they may be interested in. These blog posts provide value which can boost your reputation and brand awareness.

10. Start marketing your art locally

Most artists don’t become nationally or internationally known through their initial marketing tactics. A great way to begin is to start by marketing to local people or galleries that may be interested in your work. This is a useful marketing strategy because you may come across people you already know and who may already be familiar with your work.Related: What is Marketing Planning?

11. Remain patient

Generating exposure for yourself and your artwork can take time. For example, it could take several weeks or months to see progress with your marketing tactics. It’s important to remain patient if you feel your marketing approach is effective and to continue marketing until you see results.Please note that none of the companies mentioned in this article are affiliated with Indeed.